Academic Board The purpose of the Academic Board is to determine and advise on all matters relating to the academic standards, teaching, learning and quality of student learning experience. The Academic Board reports to the Board.
Audit Committee The purpose of the Committee is to advise the Board of the Corporation on the adequacy and effectiveness of the College’s systems of internal control and its arrangements for risk management, control and governance processes, and securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money).
Planning and Resources Committee The purpose of the Planning and Resources Committee is to determine and advise on all matters relating to finance, resources and property. The committee advises the Board of the Corporation on all aspects, including risk, of the Corporation’s resources, finances, financial policies, controls and strategy.
Quality and Standards Committee The Quality and Standards Committee ensures that the College’s quality assurance systems comply with the expectations of Professional, Statutory and regulatory Bodies. The Quality and Standards Committee reports to the Academic Board.
Programme Committee The Programme Committee is to monitor and manage all aspects of programme delivery and ensuring effective engagement with students on programme-related matters. The Programme Committee reports to the Quality and Standards Committee.
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